Sunday, July 19, 2009

I dont know what title to put so this is it

Have you ever felt sad for no reason at all? Absolutley no reason? At all? Well you should talk to someone. It always helps you feel better. Just the fact that you know someone cares helps a lot. So thats why talk.

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely should talk to someone you trust. And you know what else helps? Distracting yourself with something else...something nice and exciting! Because the more you focus on gloominess, the worse it gets. The more you try and distract yourself with something happier...even if its just a tiny bit happier than how you are currently feeling, it helps a LOT. And once you start feeling a tiny bit better, think of something a tiny bit more happy/exciting, and you will feel even better. And go on like this, till you get deliriously happy :-D.
